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Monday, 24 September 2007

Million Dollar Wiki

All you can say about this is hats off to the guy, its another example of how a simple idea can really just go bang and start earning fantastic amounts of money.

For those of you not familiar with this, basically million dollar wiki is an idea based upon the wikopedia site, however this time the pages (words or phrases) are being sold to individual owners to update with the information they want to show, rather than being updated by the general public.

Pages are being sold for $100 a time and are selling fast. Even the big time dot com moguls such as John Chow are getting involved and have purchased pages. Pages are bought for a "life time" although that life time is currently only 15 years.

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Owners of there pages can add whatever content they like and use them how they like, and I'm sure with the media coverage this site is getting, it won't be long before they make there money back. In just 10 days John Chow reported that he already more than made his money back.

You might wonder, why buy a page on the million dollar wiki when you could just add a page to your own site called that, well the reason is traffic, Million dollar wiki is just starting to take off an receive a good steady rate of traffic, the more the word spreads about this the more traffic it will get.

The best way to make money from it ??? Afililate ads...

Super Affiliate Handbook Read here how the best way to make money as an affiliate.

I'll keep my eye on Million Dollar Wiki and keep you updated on its progress.

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