Interested ???

Monday 5 November 2007

Ebay - Ebook Campaign

The more I search the internet looking for money making opportunities and ideas the more ebay and ebooks keeps popping up.

Now, I'm not stupid and I realise that big money will not be made by selling ebooks on ebay, infact, if anything it will be very little.

What intrigues me more is the possibilty of follow up sales.

The package (I've only got 1 at the moment) Consists of 10 ebooks for £1.50 with a bonus 3 Free ebooks.

The ebooks I currently have in my package are as follows:

Adsense Revenue Exposed
Affiliate Success
How to make money using Paid Online Surveys
Internet Marketing for Beginners
90 day Ebay Powerseller challenge
Making Money with Autoresponders
Making Money Today, Tomorrow, Forever
Internet Money Secrets
Search Engine Optimisation Made Easy
(I need one more, so if you have any for me, please let me know where I can download it)

Bonus: (Free)
Web 2.olgoy
Keyword Research Tools
Internet Business Survival Guide

I've read a couple of ebooks on Ebay Marketing and learning from this I'm hoping that this package will be enough to entice people in.

On this particular occasion its not really the money that I'm interested in, although anything extra is a nice bonus, its the opportunity to build my list of email addresses.

Of all the ebooks I've read on all the different internet marketing strategies & affiliate marketing the same things keep reappearing. Quality and original content (of course), SEO, and building a good list for repeat business and selling.

Once I've got together my package(s) of ebooks I'll follow the guidelines around selling on Ebay and see how I do.

If anyone has any hints or tips, I'd be more than grateful to hear what you have to say.

Fingers crossed eh.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Diary of an Investor

This is Diary of an Investor from a friend of mine,

I started investing about 20 years ago when the BT and British Gas flotations happened although I quickly sold the shares for the cash.

My first real investment was Blacks Leisure when they were down and almost out, I had spotted them at 3p but delayed buying until 11p.

I held them a few years watching them go up and then down again and finally up where I sold at a reasonable profit.

At this time my portfolio value was little more than a couple of thousand pounds. I had a success with ASDA which was eventually taken over by Wal-Mart for 100% profit and I put the money, on a recommendation from a colleague, into ARM Holdings at around £10.

I kept them for about 6 months and sold them for over £32, so now I was hooked.

I have invested fairly regularly since my success with ARM and had some successes and some disasters, fortunately the successes are winning.

I currently hold 7 stocks as I am trying to have fewer stocks to manage but with greater values. Over time I have held over 40 different stocks.

Stocks I hold are:

Caledon Resources : An ex gold mining company which has now bought the Cook Mine from Xstrata in Australia and is now a coal producer. AIM held for 3 ½ years

Kenmare Resources: Based in Mozambique, after many years is now a producer of ilmenite rutile and zircon. Held for 2 years

Petrel Resources: An oil play in Iraq and Jordan. AIM Held just under 2 years

Nighthawk Energy: Oil and Gas company in USA. AIM. Held 3 months

Deltex Medical: Producer of monitors and probes assisting in fluid levels during operations. AIM. Held 3 years

Lloyds Bank: FTSE100 bank. Held 2 years

Experian: Credit checking company FTSE100. Held 6 months

Currently all are in profit apart from Experian which has been hit by the sub-prime woes in America. For similar reasons Lloyds is well off its highs although it is also held for its dividend yield of over 6.5%.

Nighthawk is my newest stock having held for only 3 months and showing a 22% profit already, although it is quite volatile and news driven as are all the resource stocks.

I have held Caledon for the longest period and seen it change from a risky gold explorer in China to a much less risky coal producer in Australia

Deltex is probably a longer play as it battles to get the NHS to order their product. The potential though is very good.

Petrel is awaiting the passing of the Hydrocarbon (Oil) law in Iraq which should lead to the awarding of contracts.

Current price of my stocks against buying price


Buying price (average)































None of the above is to be considered advice to buy any of these stocks and any comments made are my personal opinion unless referenced

Monday 24 September 2007

Million Dollar Wiki

All you can say about this is hats off to the guy, its another example of how a simple idea can really just go bang and start earning fantastic amounts of money.

For those of you not familiar with this, basically million dollar wiki is an idea based upon the wikopedia site, however this time the pages (words or phrases) are being sold to individual owners to update with the information they want to show, rather than being updated by the general public.

Pages are being sold for $100 a time and are selling fast. Even the big time dot com moguls such as John Chow are getting involved and have purchased pages. Pages are bought for a "life time" although that life time is currently only 15 years.

Your Ad Here

Owners of there pages can add whatever content they like and use them how they like, and I'm sure with the media coverage this site is getting, it won't be long before they make there money back. In just 10 days John Chow reported that he already more than made his money back.

You might wonder, why buy a page on the million dollar wiki when you could just add a page to your own site called that, well the reason is traffic, Million dollar wiki is just starting to take off an receive a good steady rate of traffic, the more the word spreads about this the more traffic it will get.

The best way to make money from it ??? Afililate ads...

Super Affiliate Handbook Read here how the best way to make money as an affiliate.

I'll keep my eye on Million Dollar Wiki and keep you updated on its progress.

Saturday 22 September 2007

Free $20 Bidvertiser Coupon.

Test out Bidvertiser for Free

If you are a new advertiser, Bidvertiser will give you $20 to test our there service. All you need to do is sign up for an account and they will put $20 in it for you.

When you sign up for an advertiser account it also signs you up as a publisher at the same time, so you can display there ads on your site also, and its all done through one account, which has advantages over Google where you have to switch between Adsense and Adwords.

Place your ad on thousands of sites with BidVertiser. Get $20 in FREE clicks.

Its FREE, so give it a go and see what you think.

Posted: September 22, 2007

Monday 16 July 2007

The beginining....

Welcome to a Million in the Making, I'm sure there are thousands of you like me out there that are sick and tired of reading about and hearing about all these get rich quick scheme's and how to make $30,000+ a month over the internet. The trouble is, deep down you just don't believe them.

The one thing that there isn't on the net, the forums and anywhere else, is a step by step FREE guide to getting started. All you here is get Content Quality and the traffic will come, get the traffic and the money will come. But how do you go about getting the Content Quality when you're only just starting out ???

I guess thats the million dollar question then, how do you get the content you need ??

I'm going to spend alot of my free time exploring all the possible ways and means that this can happen, hopefully, as my experience grows, so will my bank account.

I'm open to suggestions of where to start though....
